After only a week of life, these 5 kittens were already dirty and infested with fleas. They were preparing to grow up on the streets, in dangerous and uncomfortable conditions. But everything changed the day they were rescued and placed in foster care.

Mellissa is a volunteer foster family who rescues many cats in Canada . She received a call about a feline family that had just been found. The mother was emaciated and exhausted . She had given birth to 5 kittens and was drawing on her last resources to feed them. As for the babies, when they were only a week old, their bodies were already covered in fleas and dirt.
Melissa immediately agreed to welcome them. She organized a small cozy area for them in her house. But before installing them there, she cleaned them and eliminated their parasites.
“ They were incredibly infested with fleas . In my 6.5 years of rescue, I have never seen so many fleas, especially not on tiny newborn kittens. They were literally covered in flea dirt ,”
Relieved, the babies snuggled happily against the warm body of their mother, named Raven . The latter was very suspicious of Melissa , not being used to humans. But before long, she realized she was safe and with plenty of food. She began to trust her foster family and even agreed to sleep while Melissa took care of her offspring in her place.
Great news for Raven
Raven gained weight and energy as her kittens grew. They began to explore their surroundings with curiosity and imitated everything their mother did. They discovered their first toys and had fun in the water bowl as if it were a swimming pool. “ They learn to drink water. Most of the time, they just feel the need to step into the bowl, splash water everywhere and accidentally get water up their nose ,” Melissa said amusedly.

Now all the kittens are old enough to be adopted. And Raven received great news. A family wants to adopt him with 2 of their kittens. “ It’s an ideal forever home. ” I couldn’t be more thrilled for them ,” Melissa said . As for the other 3, they are still waiting for their turn, but it shouldn’t be long!